Dark Star cooperated and worked with the following organizations and companies that support people and the environment
- Goede Waar, Vereniging voor mens, dier en milieuvriendelijk consumeren. www.goedewaar.nl
- Boweevil. A Dutch reail company for 100% eco cotton clothing and fabrics. www.boweevil.nl
- Neidig. An online store for people, and environmentally friendly clothing and fabrics. www.neidig.nl
- Stichting nobel. Creatieve ondersteuning voor goede doelen www.forumdemocratie.nl/stichting_nobel
- Bont voor Dieren, Fake Fur. www.bontvoordieren.nl
- Continental Clothing. Retail clothing, ethically made. www.continentalclothing.com
- MindWhatYouWear. Online fair fashion and collective sale events. www.mindwhatyouwear.com
- Anouk Post.Online platforms for sustainable fashion. www.hiphonest.com, www.yoi.com
- Hanno Lans, Cultural Sustainability. www.hannolans.nl
The Dark Star website features the work from the following photographers
- Elena Kulikova www.elenakulikova.com
- Victoria Jacob www.victoriajacob.com
- Michael Chichi www.michaelchichi.com
- Maarten in ‘t groen www.greenpictures.nl/
- Kevin O’Garo hlpimaging.com/
- Anna Riedel http://www.annariedelphotography.com
- Peter Stigter www.teampeterstigter.com/
- Daimon Xanthopoulos daimon.nl/
- VPRO Nachtpodium / Dark Star Video. www.vpro.nl/programma/nachtpodium/
- Anka Models, Model Agency. www.ankamodels.com
- Rietveld Naar De Beurs, Design Exhibition. www.gerritrietveldacademie.nl/beurs/
- Intermezzo, Gallery, Dordrecht. www.galeries.nl/intermezzo/
- Siddhartha Bekers, Make-up and Hair. www.siddhartha-b.nl
- Petra Hart, Artist of Virtual Family, ‘Fam Li’. www.hart-world.com
- Fashion United, Platform for fashion. www.fashionunited.nl
- Dark Star fashion – homepage gallery. https://darkstarfashion.com/links-home-gallery/